Country facts

  • 인구: 6,060만 명
  • 2014년부터 2020년까지 70만 명 이상의 망명 신청자와 난민이 이탈리아에 도착했습니다.
  • 인간개발지수 순위: 191개국 중 30위

IRC response

  • 이탈리아에서 활동 시작: 2017년 11월

The IRC's impact in Italy


people provided support and information on their rights in Italy by the IRC last year.

The IRC team in Italy tracked and supported nearly 15,000 people with connectivity, non-food items, and accurate information on their rights in Italy via Refugee.Info.


women and girls have taken part in IRC Italy's Safe Spaces events and case management services.

Additionally, the IRC collaborates with Centro Penc in Milan to provide free ethno-psychiatric services, individual support and follow-up for migrants and asylum seekers, who have experienced traumatic situations before and during their journey to Italy.


unaccompanied children provided with information and support on their rights in Italy.

Our services aim to enhance protective factors and prevent the risk of (re)trafficking and labor exploitation of unaccompanied boys and girls.
In 2023, IRC will continue to offer direct support to unaccompanied children and women at risk of trafficking and labor exploitation, as well as empower migrant-led organizations and equipping them with the skills and knowledge required to better support vulnerable groups.