Sixty-five million people are uprooted from their homes by conflict and crisis in 2017—more than at any time since World War ll. At the same time, the United States, a country with a long tradition of welcoming refugees, is slamming its doors shut under the Trump administration.
The most popular stories the International Rescue Committee shared this year are about the global refugee crisis and how to help: Here are the ten most-read articles we published on
1. How to help refugees in the United States
Every minute, 20 people are displaced. The refugee crisis is real—but so are solutions. RT if you #StandWithRefugees
— IRC Intl Rescue Comm (@theIRC) June 20, 2017
3. What is the travel ban? What does it mean for refugees?
A Pakistani family is to arrive in the US next week as refugees with an IRC tie. Will they be allowed to stay?
— IRC Intl Rescue Comm (@theIRC) June 29, 2017
4. Coming to America: the reality of resettlement
5. What refugees have to say to the new president
6. IRC responds to Idlib attack in Syria: how you can help
Devastating news of possible chemical attack in Idlib, Syria. Civilians are caught in the middle of an endless war.
— IRC Intl Rescue Comm (@theIRC) April 4, 2017
7. Two brothers’ quest to change hearts and minds about refugees
8. Why are millions at risk of famine in South Sudan and beyond?
Let's face it: 1 famine is a catastrophe. Imagine 4. An entire generation is at risk, but you can help. Learn more:
— IRC Intl Rescue Comm (@theIRC) May 11, 2017
9. Enough “alternative facts”: Here's the truth about refugees and the travel ban
10. An Iraqi refugee resettled in Idaho creates jobs for Americans