The International Rescue Committee provides opportunities for refugees, asylees, victims of human trafficking, survivors of torture, and other immigrants to thrive in America. Each year, thousands of people, forced to flee violence and persecution, are welcomed by the people of the United States into the safety and freedom of America. These individuals have survived against incredible odds. The IRC works with government bodies, civil society actors, and local volunteers to help them translate their past experiences into assets that are valuable to their new communities. In Elizabeth and other offices across the country, the IRC helps them to rebuild their lives.
The IRC creates opportunities for individuals to establish successful new lives and recover from disaster. Through a network of holistic programs and services, the IRC in New Jersey assists nearly 7,000 refugees, asylees, and other immigrants annually to become self-reliant citizens who are well integrated in their new communities.
IRC New Jersey Programs and Services:
During the first 90 days upon their arrival, clients are connected to resettlement and placement services in which they receive comprehensive and tailored case management services to address their immediate needs. Each newly arrived client receives a comprehensive cultural orientation, financial literacy support, employment assistance, referrals to health and social services, and guidance in the development of an individualized resettlement plan. The Resettlement team also supports clients by helping them transition out of permanent housing, ensuring that their permanent housing accommodates their needs. For individuals facing additional barriers, intensive case management services are available to ensure that they are receiving the support needed to get accustomed to their new homes.
Intake and Casework
The International Rescue Committee is designated as a service provider by the New Jersey Office for Refugees and the federal government’s Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) to provide Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) and Refugee Support Services (RSS) to non-refugee ORR-eligible individuals and families (i.e., Cuban and Haitian entrants, Ukrainian humanitarian parolees, asylees, etc.), residing in Union and Somerset counties. The Intake and Casework team administers the RCA and RSS programs to provide initial eligibility assessments, intakes, as well as support applications for public assistance via our county’s Board of Social Services. Over 4,000 individuals received critical financial assistance over the past year through the RCA program. The RSS program provides a comprehensive set of services including employability services, adjustment services, English language training, career pathways, and financial coaching, with upwards of 6,000 individuals accessing these services over the past year.
Health and Wellness
Services provided by the health and wellness department are critical to overcoming barriers associated with physical and mental health symptoms. The Health and Wellness team helps clients navigate health systems in New Jersey by providing health screenings, education on healthcare options, and support in communicating with healthcare providers. Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Services (MHPSS) are also available for clients through mental health screenings, referrals to counseling services, and cultural adjustment groups.
Economic Empowerment
The IRC works with refugees and other humanitarian entrants to overcome linguistic, cultural and other barriers to achieve economic independence through early employment, career development, and financial capabilities services. The IRC in NJ’s employment services team provides both immediate assistance accessing entry-level positions and long-term support for people to get recertified in their chosen career fields, in addition to cash assistance and financial coaching as necessary while clients gain footing in the workforce. In the beginning stage of clients’ financial journeys, the IRC in NJ’s Early Employment team offers resume building workshops, job search and application assistance, and interview preparation. IRC’s data-informed programs are designed to help newcomers enter the job market successfully as well as support clients in advancing their careers through certifications, training and experience. IRC launched a branch of its CDFI, the Center for Economic Opportunity (CEO), which provides microloans for credit building, resilience, cars, and federal immigration fees.
Education & Learning
The IRC recognizes the diverse strengths and needs of families in the wake of crisis and provides comprehensive opportunities to support both youth and adults in their educational journeys.
Adult Education:English language learning classes are offered at varying levels, responsive to client experience and interests to help participants develop the language skills required for social and civic engagement. Upon arrival, an engaging cultural orientation class is provided to clients in their native languages, covering services that the IRC provides, laws of the United States, New Jersey transportation systems, and other relevant topics. The IRC in NJ also offers one-on-one guidance and workshops for adults wishing to further their education and/or enhance their employability through accreditation and certification.
Youth Programs:Navigating the public school system can be overwhelming for both children and their caregivers. The IRC in NJ supports families in this by providing school enrollment and school system orientation. Support and training for school staff is also provided to ensure schools are being culturally and linguistically responsive to refugee youth. A three-week Refugee Youth Summer Academy (RYSA) runs every August, providing English language enrichment and social and emotional learning opportunities to more than 100 refugee youth each summer. To continue supporting refugee youth during the school year, youth tutoring is available on a weekly basis. The IRC in NJ’s Career and College Readiness Specialist supports young adults with applications to GED, tutoring, and referrals to academic programs to develop college readiness skills.
The IRC provides high-quality, low-cost immigration legal services, filing applications and petitions for adjustment of status, family reunification, and naturalization, among other immigration benefits. A monthly legal orientation is provided to asylum seekers to advise clients on the rights and obligations related to citizenship in the U.S. Currently, the IRC in NJ supports clients with applying for work permits, travel documents, green cards, and citizenship. In a response to the large number of arrivals as a result of the ongoing crises in Afghanistan and Ukraine, specific legal services are available to Afghan and Ukrainian individuals. The Central American Minor program supports U.S. based parents with reunification petitions for their minor children in El Salvador, Guatemala, or Honduras.
Refugees contribute to both society and the economy in numerous ways in the U.S.
The IRC New Jersey office, located in Elizabeth, NJ, serves as a beacon of hope and support for our clients. While many reside in Union County and nearby areas, our impact extends far beyond, reaching individuals and families across New Jersey—including Hudson, Essex, Hunterdon, Somerset, and beyond. No matter where our clients are, we remain committed to empowering them with the resources, guidance, and community they need to build brighter futures.
Ways you can get involved with the IRC’s work in New Jersey:
- Fundraise for the IRC in NJ: Create a DIY peer fundraiser to engage and involve your community to raise funds for the IRC in NJ; visit:
- Donate to our Emergency Fund: The NY & NJ Emergency Fund, named the Robert P. DeVecchi Emergency Fund in honor of the former IRC president, is dedicated to addressing the acute needs of refugees and immigrants. To donate, visit
- Donate Goods: IRC collects specific donations based on current families' needs, including car donations, baby items, hygiene kits, and more! Purchase directly from the IRC NJ’s Amazon Wishlist:
- Hire Refugees: Refugees’ determination to build a better future is an employer’s advantage. IRC supports local employers in assessing and screening entry-level professional candidates.
- Volunteer: Actively seeking interns and volunteers year-round. For a current list of opportunities, visit:
- Spread the Word:Subscribe to our newsletter and stay connected, follow us on Facebook, and ask others to do the same!
- Other Ways to Get Involved: Please complete this form to tell us how you’re interested in helping newly arriving refugees who are making a home in New Jersey, including hiring refugees or offering housing.
For more information, contact

For forty plus years the team at the International Rescue Committee in Elizabeth, New Jersey has been providing refugees, asylees, and other immigrants vital direct services. Those forced to flee their homes and seek refuge in an unfamiliar society find solace and opportunity in the various offerings by the New Jersey International Rescue Committee team including case management, employment assistance, youth education programming, and much more. Our goal is to aid these new Americans in their journey to safety, stability, and self-sufficiency. The individuals we aid to integrate and resettle add to the diverse communities that make up the unique richness of the cultures of New Jersey.Tina Marie LopezExecutive Director, IRC New Jersey
people in the U.S. received asylum and protection support.
IRC offices across the U.S. provide immediate aid--including food, housing and medical attention—among other support.
Learn about resettlement and asylum2,697
people were assisted to become new U.S. citizens.
The IRC offers high-quality, low-cost immigration legal services and citizenship assistance in cities across the U.S.
Learn about immigration15,000
Our economic empowerment support includes financial coaching, vocational training and asset building.