The IRC will launch an emergency response as over 40,000 refugees arrive from Burundi

  • The IRC is responding to the urgent needs of refugees fleeing ongoing violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
  • “Congolese families have arrived with nothing, and the [transit] centers are overcrowded, hosting people of all ages and backgrounds, including children, the elderly and people with disabilities,” says Amadou Ali, IRC country director in Burundi.
  • Our response will provide health and protection support, cash assistance and deliver basic items to 3,000 refugees, ensuring access to essential supplies.
Read our February 24 release.

Country facts

  • Total population: 10.9 million
  • People displaced by conflict: 460,000
  • Rank in Human Development Index: 187 of 181

IRC response

  • Started working in Burundi: 1996