SCOPE OF ROLE: The Medical Appointment Transportation Volunteers works with our Family Wellbeing Department to help mitigate the barriers that our clients encounter when it comes to transportation for medical care. The volunteer will pick up clients from their homes, drive clients to medical appointments, and drive clients back to their homes, enabling families to access needed medical services while learning to navigate public transportation on their own!


  • Intermittent Monday-Friday between 8:00am and 5:00pm (may start as early as 7:00am factoring in drive time)
  • Frequency: biweekly or weekly
  • Hours: 2-3 hours per shift

LOCATION: Client home (typically Richmond city or Henrico), doctor's office 


  • Provide round-trip transportation to medical appointments
  • Ensure clients arrive on time for medical appointments
  • Follow up with Health Liaison regarding any concerns, unanswered questions, follow-up appointments, or discharge instructions
  • Direct clients to share medical bills with Health Liaison 


  • Must have own, reliable transportation
  • Volunteers MAY NOT attend appointments with clients
  • Volunteers may wait in lobby or car or leave altogether but must return on time to pick up the client
  • Must adhere to IRC professional standards and volunteer policies including those around boundaries, confidentiality, etc.