The IRC in Tallahassee – in partnership with community members like you – is working to ensure our clients have the resources they need as they adjust to their new home. Help us ease the initial financial burden of moving to a new country by collecting essential items and supplies.  


  • Organize the collection of physical donations in your community. The IRC will provide you with a list of critically needed items; previous examples include diapers, hygiene kits and school supplies. The IRC will provide an instructional toolkit to support the success of your drive.
  • Collect donations from your community and deliver the goods to the IRC office, in coordination with local staff.


  • Email [email protected] for a list of our most critically needed items. 
  • Provide all transportation necessary for the collection and delivery of donations to the IRC office. 
  • Must track and log hours volunteered monthly via our online volunteer dashboard. 
  • No background check required. 


To learn more or sign up, please contact [email protected]