GenR—short for Generation Rescue—is a group of young, influential humanitarians who have joined forces with the International Rescue Committee to help people survive conflict and disaster and rebuild their lives. Inspired, informed, and influential, GenR members in Charlottesville—and across the country—engage their communities in support of the IRC through a range of advocacy, educational, networking, and fundraising activities.
When you become a GenR member, you join a community of young leaders, professionals, and humanitarians (ages 25-40) who want to make an impact in the lives of refugees and families caught in crisis. You’ll have the opportunity to attend exclusive IRC-related events to learn more about how you can make an impact. You’ll also learn about how you can work with other like-minded individuals to raise funds, volunteer with recently resettled refugees, and even visit the IRC's international programs around the world.
Interested in learning more about GenR: Charlottesville? Take a look at some of our past events and fundraisers, and contact [email protected] for more information. To learn more about GenR nationally and join a chapter, sign up here.
Lastly, be sure to like us on Facebook to stay up to date with GenR news and events!