10 Results
Showing results 1-10
IRC president and CEO David Miliband on the IRC’s emergency response in Lebanon after the Beirut explosion, the challenges Syrian refugees in the country are facing, and the need for action from the global community
Under ESS10, the IRC has developed a Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP). The SEP summarizes the outcomes of 20 national and international stakeholder consultations conducted between October 2023 and March 2024. These consultations confirmed that the proposed budget activities align with Lebanon's existing needs and priorities, thereby affirming the project's relevance.
“The first thing I do when I get up in the morning is look at the mirror in my bedroom and say, 'let's go hero, your day has started.'”
The 21st Annual Big Sky Documentary Film Festival (Feb 16 - Feb 25) brings fascinating stories to Missoula every year! For individuals looking to learn more about the refugee experience, global conflict, and immigration in the United States, there are many beautiful films to choose from. Here is a list of recommendations from the IRC in Missoula!