The purpose of this document is to present the IRC’s approach to institutionalize accountability to affected populations (AAP) across all Country Programs, sectors and through the organizational strategy.
Client Responsiveness is an organizational priority for the IRC strategy (Strategy 100): our 13 year strategy culminating in the IRC’s 100 year anniversary. Our S100 Ambition for “clients to inform program design and delivery” reflects our commitment to meaningfully engage our clients (and others in the communities we serve), every time we make a significant decision about program design and delivery. It also reflects our commitment our commitment to promoting the means through which clients may hold us accountable for the decisions that affect them.
The IRC’s approach reflects the sector-wide commitment and efforts to advance the meaningful participation of and accountability towards people affected by crisis in the way that humanitarian actors design and deliver aid and services.
* The term “client responsiveness” refers to measures to collect, analyze and respond to affected people’s feedback and complaints and supports their participation and engagement in project activities and decision-making processes. The term encompasses similar concepts and approaches used by organizations such as Accountability to Affected People (AAP) or Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA).