In 2020, the International Rescue Committee and the Lebanon Protection consortium (LPC) partnered up to explore the linkage between food insecurity and child labor, and its recent evolution in Lebanon given the multiple crises that hit the country and the deteriorating overall environment. Food insecurity has increased significantly in Lebanon during the past year; nearly 97% of the Syrian refugees on Lebanese soil are marginally or completely food insecure. Food based-negative coping mechanisms have also increased and infant and young child feeding practices have deteriorated. Food is the main expenditure for the most vulnerable households.

The findings from this report confirm the shrinking access to food and concerns over deteriorating nutrition practices, particularly since October 2019. They also confirm the increased use of child labour as a negative coping mechanism. The inability to provide food is one of the main triggers for parents to send their children to work and that the primary use of children’s income is for food. Children are increasingly reporting becoming the main breadwinners for their families.