In November 2024, the Government of Colombia, with the support of the Government of Sweden, UNICEF, the United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children, and the World Health Organization, will host the first-ever Global Ministerial Conference on Ending Violence Against Children.

Participants are being asked to re-imagine a world in which children are safe everywhere – in their homes, schools, communities, and online. Governments are being asked to put forward bold, transformative pledges to shift our collective efforts on child protection towards a world where all childhoods are safe.

Around the world the IRC works with our clients, local leaders and partners to ensure that these and similar pledges explicitly include the world’s most marginalized children – those living in conflict, crisis, and displacement.

To ensure that governments take this once-in-a-decade opportunity to make robust pledges, the IRC has put forward this Position Paper for the Conference. In the paper, we call on all pledge-makers to include both children and their caregivers, to work across sectors to ensure children are safe everywhere, and to ensure civil society voices are heard as pledges are drafted.