Following recent reports of increasing numbers of asylum seekers transiting through Mexican territory and the rescue of over 700(opens in a new window) from a warehouse, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) warned that the humanitarian crisis related to mixed migration and internal displacement is exposing an ever-growing population to multiple threats. 

Rafael Velásquez, Country Director for Mexico at the IRC said:

“There is no doubt that Mexico is the last mile for thousands of people who left their homes in search of safety, whether they are trying to find it here or in the US. What is also true is that the organizations providing protection and asylum services have been operating beyond capacity for years.

“Displaced individuals not only encounter limited alternatives to cover their needs and access basic services but are exposed to several risks. In a recent report(opens in a new window) in which the IRC collaborated, we identified that more than half of those on the move had experienced incidents of violence such as kidnapping, robbery, extortion, or human trafficking. As crises escalate worldwide, we can only expect to see more and more people in need of protection arriving in the country. We call on the international community to step up their support and funding to strengthen the humanitarian responses in Mexico.”

In the Protection Needs Overview, developed by the Technical Group of the Protection Working Group in Mexico and in which the IRC participates, among the main risks identified were:

Download the full report(opens in a new window).

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