• A statement from 101 Syrian, regional and international humanitarian and human rights organisations on Syria’s Cessation of Hostilities

This week’s cessation of hostilities agreement negotiated by Russia and the US could be an important and welcome step forward for the future of Syria. Countless lives are saved each day this cessation holds.

Now that Russia and the US have brought about a significant reduction in violence and a cessation of airstrikes, they must use their influence over the Syrian government, non-state armed groups and other parties to the conflict to ensure full and unhindered humanitarian access across the country. Besieged areas like eastern Aleppo, where 275,000 people are trapped and desperate for food, fuel and medical supplies, and Madaya, where there has been an outbreak of meningitis, should be prioritized.

Sporadic and temporary cessations of violence cannot become ends in themselves. The success of this agreement should not be measured just by a reduction in fighting. It needs to be accompanied by unfettered and sustained humanitarian access throughout Syria; an end to the forced displacement of communities as seen recently in Darayya; and a political process that addresses the root causes of the crisis.

Russia and the United States have proved for the second time that they have the power to silence the weapons in Syria. The lives of innocent Syrian civilians are in their hands. The brutal conflict and unlawful targeting of civilians and civilian structures such as hospitals, schools and markets cannot be allowed to recommence.

This cessation of hostilities agreement may provide a rare opportunity to move towards a negotiated political solution to Syria’s devastating conflict. We call on Russia and the United States to ensure that this opportunity is not wasted. The US and Russia’s counterparts in the International Syria Support Group must also stand up to their responsibilities to use their influence to encourage all parties to the conflict to respect the cessation, to monitor and report violations of the cessation, and to comply with their obligations under international humanitarian and human rights law.



Abrar Halap Association for Relief and Development

Action Contre la Faim

Ahl Horan

Al Seeraj For Development And Healthcare

Alkawakibi Human Rights Organization

American Relief Coalition for Syria


Andalus Institute for Tolerance & Anti-Violence Studies

Arab Center for the Promotion of Human Rights

Arab Coalition for Sudan

Arab Foundation for Civil Society

Arab Organisation for Human Rights - Mauritania

Arab program for human rights activists (APHRA)

Association de Soutien aux Médias Libres

Attaa for Relief and Development (ARD)

Balad Syria Organization

Bihar Relief Organization

Binna for Development


Bridge of Peace

Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies


CARE International

CCFD - Terre Solidaire

Center for Civilians in Conflict

Children Plus

Christian Aid

Concern Worldwide

Council for Arab-British Understanding

Damascene House Foundation for Society Development

Darfur Bar Association  

Deir Elzzor United Association (FURAT)

Doctors of the World UK

Education Without Borders (MIDAD)

Emaar AL Sham Humanitarian Association

Enjaz Development Foundation

Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor- Geneva

Fraternity Foundation For Human Rights

Ghiath Matar Foundation

Ghiras Al Nahda

Ghiras Foundation

Ghiras Syria

Global Call to Action Against Poverty

Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect

Handicap International

Help 4 Syria

Human Appeal

Humanitarian Relief Association (IYD)

Independent Doctors Association

Ihsan Relief and Development

Insan for Psychosocial Support

International Humanitarian Relief

International Supporting Woman Association (ISWA)

International Rescue Committee

Irtiqaa Foundation

Islamic Relief

Just Foreign Policy, US

Karam Foundation, NFP

Local Development and Small-Projects Support (LDSPS)

Maram Foundation for Relief & Development

Middle East and North Africa Partnership for Preventing of Armed Conflict

Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies

Mountain Foundation

Najda Now

Nasaem Khair

Nuon Organization for Peacebuilding

Orient for Human Relief


Pax Christi International

Permanent Peace Movement

Qitaf Al Khair Relief Association

Rethink Rebuild Society

Saed Charity Association

Save A Soul

Save the Children

Sedra Association for Charity

Shama Association

Snabel Al Khyr

Society for Threatened Peoples

STAND: The Student-Led Movement to End Mass Atrocities

Syria Charity

Syria Relief

Syria Relief and Development

Syria Relief Organization

Syrian American Medical Society

Syrian Education Commission (SEC)

Syrian Network for Human Rights

Syrian Engineers for Construction and Development Organization (SECD)

Syrian Expatriate Medical Association (SEMA)

Syrian Medical Mission

Syrian Orphans Organization

Takaful Al Sham Charity Organization

The Center for Victims of Torture

The Syrian Establishment for Human Care & Enhancement (MASRRAT)

Tuba Dernegi

Unified Revolutionary Medical Bureau in East Gouta

Union of Relief and Medical Care Organizations (UOSSM)

Union of Syrians Abroad

Violations Documentation Center in Syria

Vision GRAM-International


White Hands - Beyazeller

World Vision

Zain Foundation