Today’s grave IPC food security analysis shows 100% of Gaza’s population are now facing crisis levels of food insecurity. This is the highest share of people facing high levels of acute food insecurity that the initiative has ever classified for any area or country, with half a million people already living with catastrophic levels of hunger (IPC Phase 5, Catastrophe). The report is a call to action before mortality and malnutrition rises further from disease outbreaks and lack of access to basic services. With reports of 20,000 Palestinians now dead - most of whom are women and children - the bombardment and violence simply cannot continue. 

As UN Security Council deliberations continue and another vote nears, the IRC urgently calls on the Council to adopt a resolution calling for a sustained ceasefire to protect civilians and secure unhindered humanitarian access to prevent starvation.

The Israeli blockade of food, water, fuel, and essential medicines and supplies is inflicting immense suffering on Palestinians. The latest data shows that virtually all households are skipping meals every day: In four out of five households in the northern governorates and half the displaced households in the southern governorates, people go entire days and nights without eating.

Northern Gaza and Gaza City have been cut off by Israeli forces since 7 November, preventing aid, food, water or fuel reaching the population. The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is supporting local partners to deliver what little food is available in Gaza to some of the most vulnerable families.

Bob Kitchen, Vice President of Emergencies at the IRC, said

"Palestinians in Gaza are not just dying from bombs and shelling; they are now starving to death too. Gaza has become an inescapable living nightmare for two million civilians - half of them children. The alarming reality that half of the population is starving in Gaza is an untenable and unjust situation that demands immediate attention. Israel must allow food and safe water to reach all of Gaza. Amidst escalating starvation and heightened food insecurity, it is critical to meet the needs of those impacted by conflict immediately, safely, and effectively.

“There is a pressing need for a swift and coordinated humanitarian response to alleviate the suffering of those affected. Urgent measures must ensure the unhindered delivery of essential food supplies, as needs grow by the hour. This must include humanitarian assistance, as well as commercial goods which are vital to functioning markets and ensuring Palestinians have sustainable access to the items they need. While it is positive to see aid entering through Kerem Shalom, all aid access points must be opened to facilitate the massive scale up of aid as well as commercial goods required. Simultaneously, a lasting ceasefire is imperative to save Palestinians lives and all hostages must be released as part of the agreement.”

The IRC is responding to the crisis in Gaza supporting dedicated partners providing essential health, medical and psychosocial services, education and emergency relief items such as food and winter clothing. This includes procurement of essential medicines and medical supplies, expertise on public health in emergency situations, tools and approaches for supporting children in conflict environments and financial support for purchase, packaging and distribution of essential relief items.