Center for Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC) and the International Rescue Committee (IRC), alongside 19 other leading organizations working to improve the protection of civilians in armed conflict (PoC), have published a joint statement ahead of the May 23rd UN Security Council Open Debate at the sixth edition of PoC Week. This statement calls for UN Member States to take swift and ambitious action in addressing the need for policies and practices that effectively address the full protection of civilians in all their diversity. Read the statement, including recommendations for tackling these challenges, here.


Endorsing organizations:  

Action Against Hunger

Amnesty International

All Survivors Project

Article 36


Center for Civilians in Conflict

Global Center for the Responsibility to Protect


Humanity and Inclusion

Human Rights Watch


International Rescue Committee

International Disability Alliance

Nonviolent Peace Force

Norwegian Refugee Council



Plan International

Save the Children

Watchlist for Children and Armed Conflict

World Vision