A recent YouGov survey conducted by the International Rescue Committee (IRC) in Sweden, Germany, France the United Kingdom and the United States, combined with data from Poland gathered by Opinia24, reveals that a significant majority of people continue to support providing aid to Ukraine and Ukrainian refugees in their country. These results show the continued public commitment to the humanitarian response, even as political rhetoric around refugees and international aid becomes more heated during campaign season. 

Alan Moseley, IRC Country Director for Poland and Ukraine (Acting), said: 

“As voters head to the polls later this year,  they should keep in mind that normal life remains out of reach for millions of Ukrainians, as ten years of conflict have affected every aspect of their reality. Over 14 million people inside the country require dedicated humanitarian aid, while the ongoing fighting continues to harm civilians, as shown by the recent events in Kharkiv. 

“While long-term residency for Ukrainian refugees is a polarizing issue, the IRC survey shows that the majority of people still pledge their support for Ukraine.  

“Two years ago, the world's response set a new standard of welcome and humanitarian assistance for Ukraine. Now is the time to stay the course. As countries transition away from temporary protection mechanisms initiated at the onset of the escalation, they should develop durable solutions to support conflict-affected Ukrainians, ensuring that the most vulnerable people can still access the care they need.” 

All survey data from respective countries is available for reference here. Please also find a visual data analysis available free of charge here ©  International Rescue Committee. 


Notes to editors: 
Questions asked in the surveyed countries (YouGov and Opinia24): 

Which, if any, of the following types of humanitarian support do you think are required by Ukraine at the present time?  

- Aid for reconstructing and repairing infrastructure  

- Providing food, water, medical aid and shelter  

- Long term support for refugees and displaced people  

Is required  

Is not required  

Don't know  

Do you think your country should or should not be providing the following to help Ukrainian refugees?  

- Providing housing, food and basic needs  

- Access to the labour market and the ability to work in your country  

- Access to education and health services  

- Long term residency in your country  


Should not  

Don't know 

Sample size: 
UK - 2103 (YouGov) 
USA - 1232 (YouGov) 
France - 1005 (YouGov) 
Germany - 2061 (YouGov) 
Sweden - 1009 (YouGov) 
Poland: - 1000 (Opinia24)