New York, NY, March 15, 2017 — In response to this evening's ruling, Hans van de Weerd, Vice President of US Programs at the International Rescue Committee, says:
"We applaud the decision by the federal court in Hawaii to block the implementation of the Trump administration’s executive order, which would have suspended the refugee resettlement program for 120 days. The order also would have cruelly slashed refugee arrivals by more than half, to just 50,000. Refugees are among the most vetted and vulnerable people in the world and there is no reason to deny them safe haven in the U.S. The ruling is, of course, a victory for refugees, immigrants and visitors who would be directly affected by this travel ban, many of whom would have been heartlessly separated from family members had the order gone into effect as planned. While the legal battles will no doubt continue despite this decision, today should be celebrated as a milestone in the ongoing fight to uphold American values as enshrined in the U.S. Constitution.”
Learn more about the IRC's work resettling refugees in the U.S.
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