The International Rescue Committee is deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Her Majesty The Queen. We are extremely grateful for her loyal service and commitment to the nation. Our thoughts and deepest condolences are with the Royal Family.

David Miliband, President and CEO of the IRC said:

“The death of Queen Elizabeth II is the end of a remarkable reign. She provided British people with stability and continuity through unprecedented change and challenge, and offered to the wider world a lens on British life that was at once historic and humble. Her commitment to public service was absolute, unceasing and an inspiration to millions. I know from personal experience that she brought insight and empathy to every conversation. Her commitment and that of her family to support charitable causes, like the IRC, speaks to values that the British people hold dear. As we mourn her passing, we recommit to those values and the work still to be done.”

Laura Kyrke-Smith, UK Executive Director of the IRC said: 

“We are deeply saddened by the passing of Her Majesty The Queen. All our sympathies are with His Majesty the new King Charles III, who has been a profoundly considerate and committed UK Patron of the International Rescue Committee, and with all the Royal Family. 

Her Majesty The Queen has been an extraordinarily dedicated and compassionate friend and advocate for people affected by conflict and crisis across the world, and here in Britain. The values she lived by, during her lifetime of service, will forever be an inspiration and motivation to us at the International Rescue Committee.”