New York, NY, September 26, 2017 — The International Rescue Committee (IRC) is disturbed by this morning’s reports that the Trump Administration is set to cap the annual admissions ceiling for refugees at 45,000. This would represent a severe reduction in the United States’ refugee admissions ceiling, and amount to an abandonment of global leadership for the United States.
Said Hans Van de Weerd, VP of U.S. Programs with the International Rescue Committee:
"Reports of a ceiling as low as 45,000 are deeply troubling at a time of global crisis. Whether Rohingya refugees or “Syrian babies,” this administration’s claims of concern ring hollow when paired with the stifling of one of its most effective means of rescuing and reinventing lives – resettlement.
The decision to arbitrarily slash refugees admitted would represent a sad day for America, and a bad day for the world’s refugees. Setting a record-low cap on refugee resettlement, the White House is showing a stunning cruelty toward those fleeing our common enemies - enemies who intend to paint the U.S. as indifferent to refugees' suffering.
We urge our leaders in Congress to show courage and humanity in speaking out against what would amount to an abandonment of U.S. global and strategic leadership, and decency.”
Traditionally, the U.S. admissions ceiling has been set commensurate with global humanitarian need, capacity of the resettlement program, and U.S. strategic interests. It is our position that the admissions ceiling, to ensure continued U.S. leadership, must be at least 75,000 refugees. For more on that policy position, visit here.
IRC spokespeople are available for interviews. Please contact for more information and to schedule an interview.