Ahead of World Refugee Day, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) responds to the release of the UNHCR global trends report. 

“Today’s UN figures show that this is the worst of times for many IRC clients. 120 million people have been displaced globally.  This number has more than doubled over the past ten years. The figures are shocking—the human misery, even more so. Behind every number is an individual story.

These unprecedented numbers show the need for a new humanitarian surge. This surge of support needs to offer respite, and re-establish meaning to global laws and norms for the treatment of civilians affected by conflict. 

With 75% of displaced people in poorer rather than richer countries, this is a moment for global responsibility. The forthcoming World Refugee Day should mark a new commitment to help people in need, not just a historic number of people in need. That calls for the private sector, NGOs, governments and multilateral organizations to work together for new solutions.  

Today’s figures demand diplomatic muscle, funding, and know-how to deliver for the world’s most vulnerable people. The debate on these ideas is urgently needed; real answers even more so. Only then can this grim milestone be avoided yet again next year, as millions of lives and livelihoods hang in the balance.”

David Miliband, President and CEO of the IRC, added:

“Those fleeing for their lives need protection, dignity and respect.  These man-made problems need equal effort in response.  This is not too much to ask."