1. What will happen to the thousands of SIV (Special Immigrant Visa) applicants who are cleared for entry to the United States, and whose lives are in grave danger for the assistance that they have provided to U.S. troops?

2. What will happen to the unaccompanied and separated children, in extremely vulnerable circumstances, struggling to join families here? They are at risk both because of their refugee status and their age. They lack the protection of an adult care-giver as well as national legal systems.

3. What will happen to those prioritized for entry who are in need of lifesaving medical care?

4. What will happen to those vulnerable women waiting to join their husbands, parents, and siblings here in the United States? 

5. What will happen to the thousands of women and children, comprising the majority of the pipeline authorized for refugee resettlement, who are now banned from entry into the United States?

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Learn about refugees in the United States. 

Latest news:

The International Rescue Committee announces first-ever emergency appeal for refugees in the U.S.

IRC President David Miliband on chaos resulting from Executive Order halting refugee resettlement