Hosting a fundraising event is a great way to raise money in support of the International Rescue Committee’s work around the world. Learn more:
May I use the IRC’s logo for fundraising?
Yes, you may use the IRC’s logo for fundraising. Please read and accept our logo license agreement.
Will the IRC provide tax receipts for donations?
The IRC will provide tax receipts for donations made directly to us either through our website or by check made out to "International Rescue Committee".
I would like IRC staff to speak or volunteer at my event.
We receive many more requests than our staff can handle. We may, occasionally, be able to provide speakers or volunteers. Please send us a written request at least 6 weeks in advance of your event.
Can the IRC provide tax receipts for any in-kind donations I receive for my fundraising event?
The IRC cannot provide acknowledgment for tax purposes for donated goods (e.g. items for auction) or services (e.g. donated advertisements, printing).
Can the IRC sponsor my event or reimburse me for the cost of holding my fundraising event.
We cannot sponsor, solicit sponsorship or reimburse expenses for your fundraising event. Please let us know if you recruit underwriters/sponsors for your event to avoid conflicts with our own solicitation efforts. In addition, all your promotional materials should note:
That the IRC is not the event sponsor and funds are being raised by you/your organization to benefit the IRC.
The portion of donation, event ticket price or proceeds that will be directed to the IRC.
I would like to invite IRC supporters to my event. Can the IRC provide me with a list?
To protect our donors’ confidentiality, the IRC does not share its donor lists.
Can I fundraise for the IRC by selling a product?
Please see the IRC’s cause marketing guidelines.