World Refugee Day, June 20, is a global moment to shed light on the resilience and strength of people who have escaped conflict and are rebuilding their lives. The International Rescue Committee is celebrating with events throughout the month of June that recognize the accomplishments and contributions of refugees in the United States.
Browse our list below for a World Refugee Day 2017 event near you.
Atlanta, GA
June 17, 10am-12pm: World Refugee Day Celebration and pro-refugee rally at Refuge Coffee Co. in Clarkston
Join us for special guest speakers, family-friendly activities, a group photo, and maps to local refugee- and immigrant-owned restaurants featuring Thai, Vietnamese, Burmese, Nepalese, Ethiopian and Eritrean cuisine
Learn more.
Baltimore, MD
June 17, 2-5pm: Immigrant and Refugee Performing Artist Festival in Highlandtown
Come to Baltimore's most culturally-diverse neighborhood for performances and celebration of the cultures of Guinea, Syria, Myanmar and the Democratic Republic of Congo; free family art activities, face painting, global cuisine, craft vendors, networking and workshops
Learn more.
Denver, CO
June 20, 11:30am-1:30pm: World Refugee Day Celebration Rally at the State Capitol
Join us for a celebration in honor of refugees in Colorado and the contributions they make to communities across the state. There will be music, dancing and inspiring refugee speakers. Colorado Governor Hickenlooper will read a proclamation and join in the celebrations.
Los Angeles, CA
June 20, 4-7pm: L.A. Refugee Forum World Refugee Day event at Glendale Adult Community Center
Information fair focusing on refugee and immigrant issues; free food, live performances and a raffle
Modesto, CA
June 20, 5:30-7pm: Community Unity Rally at Mancini Bowl in Graceada Park
Join the IRC in Turlock and the Modesto Peace Life Center to honor our new neighbors and show support for the American values of peace, freedom, civil rights, and social justice.
June 26, 8:30am-12:30pm: Celebrating Resiliency at Stanislaus County Harvest Hall
Join the IRC in Turlock, the Assyrian Wellness Collaborative and World Relief for an event highlighting the successful integration of refugees and the organizations supporting the resettlement of newcomers in the Central Valley.
Stanislaus County Harvest Hall, 3800 Cornucopia Way, Modesto, CA 95358
Oakland, CA
June 30, 12:30-4:30pm: Standing Together in Community, Laney College Student Union and Quad
Join the IRC and the East Bay Refugee Forum for a day of activities to celebrate and welcome refugees in the East Bay.
Laney College, 900 Fallon St, Oakland, CA 94607
Sacramento, CA
June 20, 5-7pm: Sacramento World Refugee Day event at New Roots Farm
Refugee stories, garden tours, activities for children, and food and drink for purchase from local refugee-owned restaurants
Learn more.
San Diego, CA
June 13, 20 and 27: International Documentary Film Series at Landmark Hillcrest Cinemas
Series of three film screenings—Nowhere to Hide, Warehoused, and Refugee Kids—followed by Q and A sessions with refugees and other guest speakers. All ticket sales will help fund IRC programs in San Diego.
Learn more.
June 17, 12-4pm: World Refugee Day Celebration at Officer Jeremy Henwood Memorial Park
Celebrate the diversity and strength that refugees bring to the San Diego community. Hosted by Refugee Forum.
Officer Jeremy Henwood Memorial Park: 3700 Fairmount Avenue, San Diego, CA 92105
San Jose, CA
June 23: World Refugee Day with the Santa Clara Refugee Forum at the Campbell Community Center
Join refugees, IRC volunteers elected officials and service providers for fun intercultural activities and international food.
Learn more.
Seattle, WA
June 20, 6-8 pm: 12th Annual ARTvocacy, at La Marzocco Cafe & Showroom
Artists from local refugee communities share their work - and their stories - to raise awareness of global refugee issues and to highlight the creative contributions of refugees in Washington State.
Learn more.
Silver Spring, MD
June 20, 6:30- 8:30pm: World Refugee Day at the Silver Spring Civic Center
Celebrate Maryland’s newest Americans, and network with like-minded humanitarians and IRC staff; free buffet provided by Chipotle; live entertainment by Afropop band Elikeh; exhibition and sale of refugee art
Silver Spring Civic Center - 1 Veterans Place, Silver Spring MD 20910
Wichita, KS
June 17, 6:00-8:00pm: #RefugeesWelcome Art Exhibition Opening Night Party
June 20, 4:00-9:00pm: World Refugee Day celebration
Free #Refugees Welcome Art Exhibition opens to the public; #family-friendly activities; live music.
June 30, 5:00-10:00pm: Final Friday art crawl and art sale
All events at Wichita State University SHIFTSPACE Gallery, 416 S. Commerce St., Suite 102, Wichita, KS 67202
Read updates on refugees in America and see all the U.S. cities where the IRC works.
Get involved—with just a phone call
Don’t see an event in your area, or want to do more to support refugees? Join a global movement of advocacy and welcome. Please stand with us and urge your elected officials to fight for refugees. CALL 1-855-472-8930 to take action. Learn more and read a suggested script for your calls.