March 21 is World Poetry Day, and we held a contest for poetry submission for our March Issue of Youth Voices. Here are poems written by two middle school students, both resettled in Dallas.

They are ....MUSIC
by Ker T. Za
They are always there, even when people weren’t.
They are in variety, never had a limit.

Easing my pain and sorrow
showing me light - a chance for tomorrow.
They took me away from reality,
brought me to another world
where I can be who I am,
showing my true personality
I'm scared to show myself to the world.
But not to them,
for they understand me better than I do
They're always there for me
whether I’m shining bright as the sun
or crying silently along with the rain,
they stay.
I can't survive without them,
they ease my pain and celebrate my joy.
Like oxygen and water,
they're are something I can’t live without,
They are music!
The one thing in life that will never leave me.
Music won't forget who I am for they are a part of me.
The whole song is important;
the beat is how my life flows
the lyrics speak to me from beginning to end,
explaining what happened in my life.
Music is the summary of my life that people don’t know about.
Music frees my soul from this harsh reality and cruel world.
Music is my inner angel saving me from the demon that haunt me.
My best friend who's always there for me!

By Sadiyo H. Ali
I was made to be a wild animal
I was made a legend
Known as a howling beast
I care for my family and friends.
My beautiful fur gives me the warmth I need
I can be fast as the Lightning Cheetah
As mighty as the unbeatable King Kong
I may not be the King of the Jungle
But I am the leader of my pack
I may not be as colorful as the Rainbow
But I am a skilled predator