In early March 2020, the IRC in San Diego's Women's Resilience Center had just hosted a soft opening for members, and was preparing for a Grand Opening event on March 27, unaware that in just a few weeks plans would dramatically change with the rapid spread of the COVID19 pandemic. 


Now, one year later, the Women's Resilience Center is celebrating one year in operation - a first year that turned out very differently than planned, but saw many successess nonetheless and provided a community space that was more needed than ever. 

The Women's Resilience Center is a space designed in collaboration with participants that is both a place for refugee and immigrant women to make friendships day-to-day, as well as to engage in emotional support groups and learning opportunities. In this first eventful year, staff quickly pivoted to connect with participants on WhatsApp, Zoom and Facebook, and found ways to create community space and connections virtual through a variety of activities and workshops including: 

These programs and activities reached over 40 women in the past year, and 21 of them additionally participated in focus groups and key informant interviews to help plan the direction and offerings of the Center.  A strategic planning group of Women's Resilience Center members continues to guide the planning and development of Center activities and resources, such as a recently-established sewing group. 

How to help

Working remotely, the Women's Resilience Center provides a series of online sewing classes, designed to be a safe space for refugee and immigrant women to build community over a shared passion.
Photo: IRC Women's Resilience Center

The Women's Resilience Center's Sewing Group is in need of supplies to run their cohorts. You can purchase items and send them to participants directly using this link. If you have a sewing machine in good working condition, please email, to coordinate drop off.

The Center is also in need of Target, Visa, Amazon and Walmart gift cards for participants with emergency needs and to cover program costs. You can email an e-gift card to

Currently, we are over halfway to reaching our goal of $60,000 needed to release and additional $60,000 in matching funds from The San Diego Foundation.  Click here or contact to learn more about the Women's Resilience Center and how you can contribute to this valuable community space.