Volunteers at the IRC Garden City serve many roles. Some volunteers help in the office with administrative tasks and at the receptionist desk. Some assist with apartment set-ups for incoming clients. Some, however, play a more personal role as Family Mentors to our newest arrivals.

Kathleen first expressed her interest in volunteering at last year’s World Refugee Day event. By October 2016, she was recruited and trained as a Family Mentor. She was placed with a family from Sudan just one week after their arrival in the United States. When asked what she loves most about volunteering for the IRC, Kathleen stated, “What I love most is the relationships I’ve been given with truly the most beautiful and incredible people that are more than just friends. They are family!!!”

Kathleen’s deep bond with our clients is easy to see. They trust her, enjoy her company, and have welcomed her into their family as well. She has assists them in their journey toward self-sufficiency by reinforcing English language concepts, showing them how to pay their bills, and connecting them to other resources in the community. Thank you for your support, Kathleen!

If you would like to volunteer with the IRC Garden City, please contact VolunteerGC@rescue.org.