You can make spirits brighter for refugee families, asylum seekers and other special immigrants this holiday season by purchasing items that will help them on their journey to self-sufficiency here in the Central Valley.
Due to COVID-19, the IRC in Turlock/Modesto is not hosting its annual Welcome Home for the Holidays event this year; however, we're asking for folks to buy items on specified wish lists for the families listed below. Just click on one of the links below to see a family's needs and purchase the desired items for the family. When clicking on the shipping address on the Amazon wish list, there will be a category for "other addresses." Just click on the client's gift registry address (the family name will be abbreviated), and the items will be shipped directly to the family's home.
Then, drop us a line at so that we can personally thank you for your contribution.
The following is a list of families that could use a hand up with winter clothing and other personal necessities: