As of August 20, The International Rescue Committee in Kansas office remains closed to staff, clients and the general public due to COVID-19. Staff will continue to communicate with clients remotely during this time. 

Summer 2020 News & Updates

Our team at the IRC in Kansas has been working hard to respond quickly to client needs, as everyone in the community is feeling the social, economic, and health impacts of COVID-19. While programming is currently not business-as-usual, we continue to serve refugee families and survivors of human trafficking remotely, many of whom need support from the IRC and neighbors more than ever. 

Please send all donations and gift cards to:

International Rescue Committee

Attn: COVID Response

PO Box 21107

Wichita, KS 67208


If you have questions, donations or concerns please contact the following:

IRC Office: 316-351-5495 or

Employment Services, Christopher Cooper-Martin: 316-518-4252

Intensive Case Management, Tabitha Frey: 316-226-3182

Resettlement Services, Alexa Audino: 316-518-6758


Additional Questions?

Any additional questions can be directed to