In a world often divided by borders and differences, some moments remind us of the power of unity and resilience. One such moment was the recent Rising Together, Soaring Beyond Borders: The IRC in Denver’s Kite Making and Flying Event 2023, which united over 100 members of the refugee community in a celebration of hope, diversity, and community.

kite flying

The event aimed at creating an inclusive space where refugee families could come together, share their stories, and find a sense of belonging in their new community. And so, against the backdrop of a clear, blue, late-summer sky, families from diverse backgrounds gathered at Del Mar Park in Aurora, Colorado, on Saturday September 9th for a day filled with joy and connection.

As kites took flight, they symbolized the dreams and aspirations of these refugee families. The sky became a canvas of vibrant colors, reflecting the rich diversity and resilience of these individuals, who have overcome such immense challenges. Further, the kite making and flying provided the over 100 participants with an opportunity to connect with one another, and establish a support network. Friendships were formed, stories were shared, and a sense of community was fostered. The event served as a reminder that despite their different backgrounds, these families are not, and will never be, alone on their journey.

"As kites danced across the sky, painting it with a vibrant tapestry of colors, soaring higher and higher, they seemed to transcend borders and cultural differences, uniting us all,"

describes Homayoon Milad - IRC in Denver's Community Engagement Manager - the event.

"It was truly a sight to behold, witnessing the pure joy and laughter that radiated from people's faces."

The IRC in Denver’s Kite Making and Flying Event 2023 was a celebration of cultures, with participants showcasing their heritage through traditional attire, music, and dance. Carefully selected performances added an extra layer of richness, allowing attendees to immerse themselves in the beauty and uniqueness of each represented culture, and providing a platform for refugee families to be seen, heard, and celebrated. A space for empowerment was created, instilling a sense of pride in their heritage and reminding them of their strength and resilience. Awareness was created, along with understanding among the wider community, fostering a more inclusive and welcoming environment for all.

"Families came together today, engaging in lively conversations and basking in shared happiness,"

describes Homayoon the afternoon.

"The children, donning their stylish sunglasses, gleefully darted around, drawing their future dreams on canvas, flying kites, and playing with flying discs. The volleyball match was nothing short of spectacular, as each player served, defended, and skillfully shot the ball into the opposing team's court, vying for victory. The enchanting melodies of music from various cultures filled the air, beckoning us all to join in a joyous dance. And who could forget the moment when our clients, united as one, cut the special cake? It was a truly unforgettable moment, as each slice was served with an abundance of love and passion."

The success of the event would not have been possible without the IRC in Denver's dedicated volunteers, members of the IRC's co-sponsor groups, and community partners who worked tirelessly to make it happen. Their commitment to making a difference in the lives of IRC in Denver's clients is instrumental in creating a memorable and impactful experience and their unwavering support in creating a positive impact in the lives of refugee families deserve special recognition.


"Let me take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for the unwavering support you provided during the successful implementation of the event,

Homayoon addressed his support team. 

"Your contributions were invaluable, whether coordinating logistics, organizing engaging activities, or lending a helping hand wherever needed. Your passion and enthusiasm were contagious, inspiring others to give their best and creating a positive and inclusive atmosphere throughout the event. Beyond your professional contributions, your kindness, empathy, and genuine care for our refugee families were evident in every interaction. Your ability to connect with them, make them feel welcome, and create a sense of belonging was truly remarkable. Your support extended far beyond the event itself, leaving a lasting impact on the lives of those we serve." 

Reflecting on the Rising Together, Soaring Beyond Borders Event 2023, we are reminded of the power of unity, resilience, and the importance of embracing diversity. The day serves as a beacon of hope, inspiring us to continue creating inclusive spaces where everyone feels welcome and celebrated, and a testament to the strength and resilience of our refugee community. It showcases the power of unity, the beauty of diverse cultures, and the transformative impact of community support. As we move forward, let us remember the lessons learned from this event and continue to soar beyond borders, embracing and celebrating the richness that diversity brings to our lives.