IRC in Elizabeth has capped off 2019 by launching a new after school program, Rising Leaders. Designed for teenaged clients, Rising Leaders focuses on academic support and mental wellbeing as students navigate teenage life in the U.S. Rising Leaders builds on the connections and community built during RYSA to provide year-round support for a number of upper school students. 

students gathered at a table playing a post-it game
Rising Leaders work together with their instructor to further their social-emotional development.
Photo: Heather Fineberg/IRC.

Rising Leaders meets weekly at IRC’s offices to build skills and community with their instructor. These students work together across languages, ages, and experiences to continue adapting to academic life in the U.S. A mix of boys and girls, these students work together to strengthen the skills and habits they learned at RYSA. On alternating weeks, students participate in a wellness curriculum to develop their confidence and strategies on issues like stress, maintaining friendships, and resilience. 

High school can be a stressful time for any family, especially as students begin to consider their options for college. For many of these students, they are the first to attend college in the U.S., if not the first to consider college in their families. Rising Leaders have been learning about the college system in the U.S. as well as their options for financial aid. If you would like to connect with Rising Leaders about college experiences and opportunities in New Jersey, please contact Heather Fineberg at

student playing soccer
After school soccer has been a blast for IRC clients!
Photo: Heather Fineberg/IRC.

Through newly granted access to a field in Elizabeth, these students are also welcome to play soccer with a coach from Super Soccer Stars and volunteer to help strengthen their soccer skills at practice weekly. The chance to be active and outside has been so fun for clients and IRC staff alike. Though the sun is setting earlier and it gets colder by the day, soccer has been a huge hit with this group! IRC is currently looking for an indoor space to continue the program through winter, so please reach out to Heather if you would like to support this effort! 



As a new program, Rising Leader is seeking community partners to best support these young adults as they navigate school and beyond. If you would like to connect for a career visit, field trip, campus visit, or to engage with the program otherwise, please contact Brittany O’Neill at  

students gathered on a park bench, relaxing after a game
Photo: Heather Fineberg/IRC.