The financial capabilities team at the IRC in Silver Spring empowers local refugees to navigate the U.S. financial system.
Newly arrived refugees often do not have a credit history and are unfamiliar with the American financial landscape. This makes it challenging for refugees to rebuild their lives in the U.S., whether their goal is to start a business, file their taxes or purchase a car. The IRC provides financial coaching for budgeting and low interest loans to help newly arrived humanitarian immigrants build their credit score and financial confidence to gain access to plan for long-term wealth.
Gail Dujour, an IRC Financial Coach, helps refugees set financial goals and receive loans. Gail says: "Every person I meet, I want them to learn something, to feel more confident and excited about their future."
Isabel* arrived from Central America and has been an IRC client for over a year. Without a credit score or credit history, she was approved for a car loan with a sizeable 25% interest rate. Gail worked with Isabel to refinance her vehicle and develop a personal budget to pay off her loan. With the IRC’s support, Isabel lowered her interest rate by 14%. Gail said,
Isabel saved a lot of money, time and stress. She wants to purchase a house in the future and now has the tools and knowledge to achieve her financial goals.
*The name of this client is changed to protect their identity