Many IRC employer partners, like Tumerico, are still open for takeout and delivery.

Did you know that you can support refugees in Tucson just by eating delicious food? Many refugees continue to work in essential positions at restaurants in our community and some even own the business! We’ve put together a handy list so you can support them the next time you grab takeout or order delivery.

Beyond just continuing to provide employment, several restaurants have also started their own GoFundMe campaigns with the resources going straight to their employees to offset the loss of income as businesses have closed down or reduced staff. Some have even begun providing take-home food boxes or grocery-store gift cards to their staff who may be having trouble accessing or paying for food to feed their families during this time. 

In whatever capacity it has been, we are thankful to have this slew of amazing businesses supporting refugees and making sure they are welcome and safe despite the crisis. We are so proud of the Tucson community for finding new and amazing ways to support each other! If you’re able, we hope you’ll join us in ordering from them to support these awesome businesses here in Tucson.

There is currently no evidence of food being associated with COVID-19 transmission, according to both the CDC and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). As always, make sure you wash your hands!