The IRC in Richmond is joining forces with offices across the IRC network and local partners to participate in the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program this year for the 2025 tax season, piloting the program for the first time in Virginia. The VITA program offers free, high-quality tax preparation to qualifying taxpayers with a special emphasis on those with low to moderate incomes, individuals with disabilities, and the elderly. For the IRC in Richmond, this program will serve to enhance Economic Empowerment service delivery, specifically within the Financial Capabilities program, through both tax preparation support and ongoing financial coaching for program participants. 

The VITA program is an initiative supported through the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Its success rests on the support of volunteers who are trained to prepare, review, and file taxes for underserved populations (for more information, click here). If you are interested in supporting the IRC Richmond's VITA program as a volunteer, email Malaz.Elamin@rescue.orgto learn more.

Many thanks go out to our partners whose support is making this pilot program possible! Funding from Domino's contributed to getting our pilot program off the ground and the Tuckahoe Family YMCA has graciously offered their space and technology to ensure the success of our program.

If you are a tax payer in the Richmond area and are looking for tax preparation support, book your appointment by calling the IRC Richmond office at 804-308-9144 or click here to schedule an appointment directly via Microsoft Bookings with a volunteer or staff member today!

For anyone seeking tax preparation support in the Charlottesville area, you can find a VITA site near you by using the search tool on the IRS website: .

IRC Staff supporting the VITA program