More than one billion people volunteer globally for solidarity and humanity, for people and the planet. International Volunteer Day is an occasion to pay tribute to volunteers worldwide and recognize the value of volunteerism in advancing peace and development. It serves as an opportunity to applaud the selfless efforts of individuals who dedicate their time and skills to make positive changes in their communities and beyond.

During International Volunteer Day, the IRC in Los Angeles wishes to recognize the outstanding efforts of several of our volunteers. These volunteers have demonstrated the selflessness, dedication, and perseverance that exemplify the heart of the IRC in Los Angeles and our mission.

Please join us in congratulating them!

"Volunteering at the IRC gives me certain intrinsics that I can't find anywhere else. Best financial advice I have ever received: it's not about how you make the money. It's about how you spend the money. Best investment advice: invest in yourself. Create a budget stick to it, and avoid debt as much as possible."

- Financial Coach Hanre 





"When I found the IRC's Financial Coaching program I felt so fortunate to have found an organization that aligned with my desire to help a community of motivated, hard working individuals, who sacrifice so much in order to make a better life for themselves and their families here in the US. Being able to use my finance background to empower financial coaching clients with the basic understanding of what is to them a foreign and rather complex financial system, and to see them implement this knowledge as well as the tools provided has been so rewarding. I am so grateful to be a part of this program and to witness the positive impact our collective assistance has made and continues to make on their lives."

- Financial Coach Leah 



"Being a financial coaching volunteer is more than just helping newly arrived refugees/asylees with financial literacy. It's about giving them hope and another chance at life as they seek to restart their lives after escaping what's often very dangerous living conditions. I have found much fulfilment in carrying out that role on behalf of the IRC, which has empowered me via its diligent and talented support staff and its rich library of education materials. I am looking forward to continue leading financial coaching programs for IRC clients for the foreseeable future."

- Financial Coach Omar


"Outside of work, I actively volunteer in my community to help repair the world, teaching financial literacy in Spanish and English, job search strategies, and resiliency skills to new immigrants, asylum seekers, and torture survivors, among other nonprofit board commitments."

- Financial Coach Gary







"My involvement in the AYM program stems from a personal experience of immigrating to the USA at the age of 16 and understanding the challenges of acclimating to a new environment. Motivated by the desire to be a guide and source of support, my experiences as a mentor have included practical assistance or discussions around various topics such as the importance of building credit and how to do so. However, I feel that the most significant impact lies in being a dependable and approachable figure for my mentee offering advice, insights and guidance in various aspects of their journey. I strive to give my mentee the peace of mind that comes with knowing that someone is genuinely in their corner and ready to help."

- Afghan Youth Mentor Sulaiman


"My IRC volunteer experience, has enriched my life to have this opportunity to work with such courageous, kind, and determined students. As the IRC has great impact around the world, it is rewarding to be even the smallest part of that." 

- ESL Volunteer Ellen







"Volunteering with the International Rescue Committee in Los Angeles was instrumental in my successful transition to the local job market since I moved to the United States at the beginning of this year. It has provided me with invaluable skills, a unique perspective, and a direct link between my background and professional aspirations in Los Angeles. I find joy in contributing to the IRC mission and collaborating with awesome supervisors and colleagues."

- Healthcare Database Lead Felipe Crowhurst Pons



"Since learning about the incredible work the IRC does worldwide and here in our country, I have been a proud supporter. Since becoming a mom, the IRC's commitment to empowering mothers and children in building a brighter future especially resonates deeply with me. I appreciate local resettlement offices offering volunteer opportunities where I can work hands-on with newly resettled clients in my community. It’s a beautiful opportunity to be side by side with families and a humble reminder of why acts of service and kindness are so special for humanity."

- Fundraising Volunteer Leigh



"Many of us take for granted our social security number, our community, and our basic daily resources. The IRC has not only opened my eyes to the reality refugees face around the world, but it has also provided a concrete path for me and countless other volunteers to act on that knowledge. So often, displacement comes with dehumanization. But the IRC teaches people that starting over is a sacred, personal journey — one that must be met with compassion, humility, and love. I am honored to be part of the organization’s work here in Los Angeles (special shout out to Carly Boos who coordinates our volunteers!) — and I am proud to play a small role in lessening the tremendous burdens and extraordinary challenges that come with moving from harm to home."

- Fundraising Volunteer Sam