In 2024, the spirit of giving and community support shone brightly through the Light One Candle initiative by the International Rescue Committee (IRC) in Salt Lake City. Light One Candle is an annual gift drive where community sponsors commit to gathering much-needed supplies and holiday wish list items recently arrived refugee families and individuals. These efforts support refugees to gain control of their future and become an integral part of our community as they focus on rebuilding their lives in our community.  

This year’s annual gift drive served 456 refugees, including 118 households and 225 individuals under the age of 18. Families received over $81,000 worth of much-needed supplies and other wish list items, highlighting the community's dedication to helping these newcomers establish their lives in Utah. The support extended beyond material goods, symbolizing a collective effort to create a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere during the holiday season. 

The involvement of 89 community sponsors made the success of Light One Candle possible, ranging from single individuals and families to esteemed partners such as ARUP Laboratories, First Utah Bank, Snap Finance, Utah Department of Health, GSBS Architects, and Rowland Hall among others. Special acknowledgment goes to Gentex Corporation for their invaluable support in making this event a reality. 

The impact of this initiative also resonated through the dedicated efforts of volunteers who brought the magic of the season to participating families.  A heartfelt thank you goes out to the 20 volunteers who played a vital role in delivering these items directly to the families, embodying the true spirit of community engagement. 

As we reflect on the success of Light One Candle in 2024, the IRC in Salt Lake City expresses deep gratitude to the sponsors, volunteers, and community partners who contributed to this meaningful endeavor. Together, they have not only provided essential supplies but also conveyed a powerful message of compassion, support, and unity, fostering a sense of belonging for those who have recently made Utah their home. 

Light One Candle sponsorship opportunities will open again in October 2024. In the meantime, consider making a one-time gift or starting a monthly contribution in support of our work in Utah. Give today »