With the recent surge in arrivals of persons displaced due to international conflicts and the rise of community groups wanting to provide support, IRC has committed to facilitating Community Sponsorship in the resettlement of refugees, SIVs, parolees, and all displaced persons we serve. What is Community Sponsorship? What is Co-Sponsorship?

- Community Sponsorship encompasses many models of community involvement in the formal resettlement process. that includes the provision of clearly defined financial and in-kind contributions and volunteer services.
- Co-Sponsorship is the form of community sponsorship offered through IRC NJ. Co-Sponsors are groups of volunteers that provide clearly defined in-kind and/or financial contributions and 8 or more of the core services traditionally provided by resettlement agencies.
Co-Sponsor groups enhance the quality of life for displaced individuals and families by supporting their welcome and integration in a local community. Groups can take many forms including local clubs, university communities, faith- based institutions, or community groups, sports teams, book clubs, and many more.
- Be located within 100 miles of IRC NJ, Elizabeth
- Raise $5,000 - $12,000 to support the family you will be working with. A small portion will go to the administrative cost of providing support to the Co-Sponsor Groups and families served.
- Have a team of 6 – 10 dedicated volunteers.
- Provide in-kind donations for household and personal needs.
- Commit to 6 months – 12 months of ongoing education, mentorship and client support.
- Core Group representatives sign a non-legally Co-Sponsorship agreement with IRC
- Visit rescue.org/Elizabeth to learn more about Co-Sponsorship and Resettlement in NJ
- Review IRC Co-Sponsorship Informational Materials
- Submit an IRC NJ Co-Sponsorship Interest Form
- Each group member submits a Volunteer Application to IRC NJ
- All team members undergo the IRC Background Checks prior to working with IRC clients. The background checks are initiated once your volunteer application is submitted and reviewed.
- Attend IRC’s two part Orientation Training Session
We encourage you to share your interest in our work using the above interest form and begin gathering the information and resources needed to succeed once we resume intake of new groups. Thank you for your support. We look forward to hearing from you and working together to support refugees and other displaced persons on their journey to integrate into their new communities, achieve self-sufficiency and thrive!
Learn More:
For more information about Co-Sponsorship opportunities with IRC NJ, please contact Sally El-Sadek, Community Sponsorship Coordinator, Sally.El-Sadek1@rescue.org, 908-346-4478