Spread some joy this holiday season by fulfilling wishlists for refugee families this holiday season!


With your help this winter, we can make sure many newly arrived refugees receive household items and other gifts this holiday season as they work toward self-sufficiency. All you need to do is choose a recipient, look at their wishlist, and purchase! Our staff, interns and volunteers will be delivering the gifts to each family throughout the holiday season. 

How Can You Help?

Check out our wishlists for each refugee family here.   

When choosing your gifts, please keep in mind that refugee families arrive with their own set of religious and cultural beliefs, which may differ from your own. We ask that you please avoid religious gifts and messages. While they may be well intended, they may not be percieved that way by families as they become acclimated to life in Denver. 

Please mail or drop off gifts no later than Dec. 4th, 2020

Gifts can be mailed or dropped off at the IRC Denver office at:

IRC Season of Giving 1873 S. Bellaire St, Suite 500, Denver, CO 80228

*** Please be sure to label each gift with the family and person identifier (e.g. Family A: Boy age 6) found on the Signup link.***

Any questions, comments or concerns?

Email us at ircdenver.donations@rescue.org

Thank you for helping us provide a warm winter welcome to the refugee community in Denver!