Since coming on board as a English as a Second Language (ESL) volunteer teacher in 2016; IRC volunteer, Sheri has gone to great lengths to make the ESL classes a warm and inviting place where IRC clients are comfortable and actively  engage in classroom activities. Sheri works tirelessly to ensure that every detail is attended to, always going the extra mile to improve lesson plans and develop special activities that students enjoy.

In addition to her ESL classes, during which Sheri teaches clients basic skills related to the workplace, culture and life skills, Sheri has hosted an array of holiday and seasonal parties and celebrations for students with the goal of providing some cultural and historical understanding of U.S. holidays and customs. Not everyone has been exposed to Halloween, for example, and some understanding of the elaborate and often, frightening decorations is helpful for clients.  Sheri always shares a special food or treat that is custom during holiday celebrations.  The students look forward to her classes as they proudly greet “Mrs. Sheri” in the mornings on their way to English classes.

The care and thoughtfulness that Sheri puts into her classes convinced the IRC’s Volunteer Coordinator, Stephanie Ratsamy, to nominate Sheri for the DeVaughn James Injury Lawyers “Pay it Forward” award and Sheri was presented with the award in February.

This award was established by DeVaughn James Injury Lawyers and Fox 24 to recognize families and individuals in the community who strive to make our community a better place. The staff and clients of the IRC are grateful for Sheri and for the time and care she consistently commits to helping make refugees feel welcome in their new communities. We are grateful to her for her support and congratulate her on the award.

If you are interested in volunteering with the IRC please email