Paula Forero, IRC in New York’s Immigration Supervisor, traveled to Washington, D.C., in March with the New York delegation of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA), a professional membership organization comprised of 15,000 members including attorneys and law professors.

AILA promotes justice, advocates for fair and reasonable immigration law and policy. On March 5, 2020, AILA hosted a National Day of Action to advocate for immigrant rights, laws, and policies.
Paula and AILA emphasized three specific areas of concern for immigration lawyers nationally.
- A LEGAL IMMIGRATION SYSTEM THAT WORKS “The current system, however, makes it harder for businesses to stay competitive and for American families to reunite with loved ones”
- INDEPENDENT AND FAIR IMMIGRATION COURTS - “To operate in a balanced and fair manner, the immigration courts must be separate and independent from DOJ.
- HUMANE TREATMENT OF MIGRANTS – “Current policies deny people fleeing danger and poverty a fair chance to seek protection. “
Paula met with several elected officials’ staff that day including Congresswoman Grace Meng and Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

These two were especially important because many IRC in New York immigration clients live in their districts. It was a great opportunity for Paula to share stories of her immigration clients’ pathways to citizenship, including those who arrived in New York as refugees and asylees, have become U.S. citizens, and now run their own businesses. Many of these clients have been affected by the recent travel bans and have spouses and minor children overseas that are unable to enter the United States as lawful permanent residents and derivative citizens, respectively.
The personalized stories help bring the effects of the recent changes to immigration policy closer to home. In the meantime, Paula and her team keep working with clients remotely helping them apply for immigration benefits such as citizenship, DACA, and permanent residence.