As technology is integrated more into our every day– such as accessing online portals to public goods and social services, it can be hard to keep up. In light of this, a Digital Literacy program was long-requested by clients of a senior generation and those with limited experience using digital devices. 

This July, the IRC in NJ launched the Digital Literacy Program. This program sits under the Education & Learning Department and is led by the Adult Education Coordinator. Based on client feedback and general needs, the IRC in NJ decided to offer a series of modules that are specifically tailored to first-time/beginner digital users. This program is designed to provide user-friendly activities that make learning digital skills fun and accessible to clients of all ages and learning stages! 

The program began in July and runs through the end of the year. Vera, our Adult Education Coordinator shares, “Instead of a class structure, this program follows a hands-on workshop structure that, similar to a library, focuses on bite-size practice activities.”   

Students are practicing how to turn on/log into desktops and basic keyboard skills they can practice with a computer. A favorite module was Internet Safety, which focused on clarifying misconceptions around data protection, sharing content across the Internet, and general concerns that arise from using the Internet.  

The IRC in NJ developed this program based on a needs survey conducted in the spring of 2023. Clients shared their learnings and this feedback was helpful in finding out the best structure for our digital literacy program. 

There are an average of 3-5 people attending workshops (with added interpretation support), with a total of 25 workshops held from July through September. The IRC in NJ looks forward to improving our digital literacy program to support more clients.  

At the workshops, computers are provided to clients so they can practice their skills. To learn more, please reach out to Vera at [email protected].  

Check out our November and December schedules below!

November: 11/3, 11/17

December: 12/1, 12/8, 12/15

nov sch
November Schedule
Photo: IRC in NJ
dec sc
December Schedule
Photo: IRC in NJ