Wichita Community invited to participate in IRC’s Brownbag Luncheons
The IRC in Wichita will begin hosting Brownbag lunches featuring speakers about different topics relating to refugee resettlement. These events are free and open the public.
You are invited to bring your lunch and attend. Meetings will be held at IRC located at 1530 S. Oliver, Ste. 270. Luncheons will begin at 11:45am and will conclude at 12:45pm. For more information or to RSVP please do so by emailing Loren.Belew@Rescue.org.
Brownbag Topic Schedule:
Tuesday, October 31st, 2017, 11:45am-12:45pm-IRC’s Advocacy Coordinator, Harold Schlechtweg will give a presentation about the IRC’s advocacy efforts and ways that individuals and groups may advocate on behalf of the IRC.
Thursday, November 30th, 2017, 11:45am-12:45pm-IRC’s Immigration Coordinator, Annette Voth will give a presentation about the IRC’s immigration program and will be available to answer questions
Monday, January 29th, 11:45-12:45pm-IRC’s Volunteer and In-Kind Coordinator will talk about ways that you may become involved with the IRC.
These events are free and open to the public, however RSVPs are required to attend. To RSVP please email Loren.Belew@Rescue.org.