In partnership with International Rescue Committee in Wichita, Citizenshipworks is a free online service that helps you apply for citizenship, step-by-step. We guide you from start to finish as you fill out your citizenship application and can assist you if you need additional assistance from the IRC’s immigration staff.
Our Immigration specialists will walk you through the free online service to help you complete your application. Legal advice available at the end of the workshop for specific questions.
When: July 28th, 10am-2:00pm
Where: International Rescue Committee in Wichita 1530 S. Oliver Suite 270 Wichita, KS 67218
Pre-Register by calling 316-361-2794, or by going online at to conduct the pre-screening portion of your application. The cost for attending the training is $30 Cash or Check may be accepted for payment.
For questions or to pre-register call the IRC at 316-361-2794.