The IRC’s Salt Lake City office offers a variety of unpaid internship opportunities throughout the year.
IRC does not host your average internships. Our interns our trusted with significant responsibility and receive hands-on experience as we work to move refugees from harm to home. Requirements vary by position, but the standard commitment for internships is 10-30 hours a week for at least one semester.
We are also able to host Master's of Social Work students as we do have licensed social workers on staff.
Steps to become an intern with the IRC in Salt Lake City:
1. Read through the information on this page and check out the International Rescue Committee career page and search for job postings in Salt Lake City.
2. Submit your resume, cover letter and two letters of recommendation to the career site.
3. Complete a 20-minute interview with an IRC staff member to determine a potential fit with the IRC.
4. Interview with staff overseeing program of interest. Program supervisor will have final say over whether or not you receive the internship.
5. Attend internship onboarding and orientation at beginning of school semester.

International Rescue Committee offers a variety of internships in departments including those supporting:
- Donations, Logistics and Event Planning
- Immigration
- Economic Empowerment
- Employment
- Casework
- Education
- Food Access and Nutrition
- Health Prevention, Instruction and Access
- Marketing and Communications
- Development
You can view position descriptions here, but please note that availability varies depending on the semester and number of applicants. If you are interested in getting more information, please email any questions to