Saif is wrapping up his Master's in Education at Pace University, where he has learned critical knowledge about education methodology. Drawn to teaching adults, Saif was motivated to intern at the Adult Education ESOL department. While it was his first-time teaching adults, Saif has picked up swiftly on how to support adult English learners in their journey.
As an intern, Saif assisted the Adult ESL Instructor. Saif has been creative in implementing activities to suit students' various interests. Saif has also supported students by holding key tutoring sessions and providing alternative opportunities to answer clients' questions. Saif is proud to contribute start to finish support on pre-tests and speaking assessments, assisting the Adult ESL Instructor in delivering and adapting activities for optimal learning.
Despite the challenge of this being his first time teaching adults in this type of curriculum, Saif quickly got into the swing of it. Saif has been resourceful and adaptative in helping students navigate online classes and supporting with translations for participating clients. He has enjoyed interacting with clients, hearing their stories, and informing them about the Education & Learning department services.
Saif especially enjoys the collaborative element of being on a team. More importantly, Saif has learned how to create a lesson and has sharpened his understanding of student needs, activity implementation, and material designs. These takeaways have been invaluable for Saif as an aspiring educator.