During the holiday season, the IRC gives you the opportunity to share the American spirit of giving with refugee families through the IRC in Abilene's Home for the Holidays program.

By participating, you make a refugee’s first holiday in the U.S. one they will always remember.

The IRC will match you with a refugee family for whom you will be invited to purchase holiday gifts. You will have the opportunity to present these gifts to your sponsored family at a multicultural holiday party. Alternatively, you can drop off these gifts at the IRC office and we will deliver the gifts for you.

We recommend spending a minimum of $100 on an individual, $150 on a couple, $300 on a family of three to five, and $400 for a family of six or more.

Giving to a family can be pooled to accommodate family needs and size.

Giving opportunities are still available if you’re unable to shop or attend the party. 

Interested in sponsoring a family but live outside of Abilene?

Let us do the shopping for you. Remote support opportunities are available.

Getting Involved

For additional questions, please contact Susanna Lubanga at Susanna.Lubanga@rescue.org or 325 675 5643.