IRC in NY Facilitators kick off the workshops before breakout sessions with Bloomberg Volunteers!
Photo: IRC in NY

Highlights from the IRC in NY & Bloomberg 2023 Professional Development Series.

The IRC in NY’s Economic Empowerment Department is always looking to host workshops and career fairs that center around job search and networking. This is especially exciting for clients looking to change careers or plan ahead for their future.  

This year, the IRC in NY’s Economic Empowerment team facilitated 3 networking workshops with Bloomberg, as part of the IRC & Bloomberg Professional Development Series. The IRC in NY is grateful for this partnership which has helped shape the Economic Empowerment (EE) team’s capacity to offer career development learning opportunities to clients...

In total, 28 volunteers gathered to serve a total of 52 individuals!

Networking 101  

In a summer networking series, IRC’s EE facilitators Lucia and Shabnam covered several topics including: what is networking, building a network, elevator pitch, digital connections, and network benefits. 

Bloomberg Volunteer and Workshop Participant Discussing Resume
Bloomberg Volunteer and Workshop Participant Discussing Resume
Photo: IRC in NY


Ten clients were divided into break-out sessions. They were paired with one or two Bloomberg volunteers for about forty-five minutes to practice their networking skills. Clients were encouraged to develop an elevator pitch and brainstorm revisions to their resume and/or LinkedIn profile.  

One client shared: "I’ve been looking for different ways to describe my career goals and to make a connection today felt so genuine. I am normally shy but today’s practice was helpful. I now understand that it's okay to ask follow-up questions and have an idea of how to ask them naturally!” 

Students learned about the power of networking and how they are one conversation away from their next opportunity!  

Bloomberg Volunteer and Workshop Participant Discussing Networking
Bloomberg Volunteer and Workshop Participant Discussing Networking
Photo: IRC in NY


Elevator Pitch 101 

This fall, Bloomberg volunteers gathered to support clients in practicing their elevator pitches. EE’s facilitators Luis and Bridget led an engaging presentation on how to structure an elevator pitch. Bloomberg volunteers were excited to provide feedback and help clients brainstorm their elevator pitches. Students practiced using a few guiding questions:  

>Do you know of anyone who might have an opening for a person with my skills?  

>Do you know anyone else who might know of someone who would? 

>What do you like best about your work?  

>What is a typical day or week like for someone in your occupation?

Bloomberg Volunteers and Workshop Participant Discussing Networking
Bloomberg Volunteers and Workshop Participant Discussing Elevator Pitch
Photo: IRC in NY

In this last session, 24 participants attended and gathered in groups with Bloomberg volunteers!

Volunteers encouraged participants to keep practicing and even showed them the ropes of LinkedIn! Participants were already downloading LinkedIn on their app and creating a profile after a few rounds of elevator pitches! Together, they talked through different career pathways and gained insight into the volunteers’ career journey. For many, it was a fantastic opportunity to practice their English skills or even make a new friend and connection!  

The IRC in NY is grateful to Bloomberg for partnering with us on this impactful workshop series!