Thanks to the generous support of the Schwemm Family Foundation, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) in San Diego has significantly bolstered its efforts in fostering healthy communities. The foundation's funding has been instrumental in enhancing IRC's community garden and nutrition education initiatives, addressing the vital need for improved health and well-being among refugees and underserved populations in San Diego.

The IRC in San Diego collaborated with SFF to implement two impactful workshops focused on water conservation and food nutrition. The first workshop welcomed approximately 20 community gardeners from Iraq, Colombia, and Africa where they learned best practices for unearthing pipes, enabling them to conserve water and optimize its availability for their produce. The second workshop, hosted by IRC’s Refugee and Immigrant Pantry and Education (RIPE) Program welcomed 23 IRC clients and their children to learn about reducing food waste, how to put all parts of a plant to use, and supplementing a healthy diet with home-grown foods.

With SFF support, we constructed a brand-new garden plot, providing space for fresh produce and fostering a love for gardening. We also refurbished 12 existing plots, ensuring that our IRC gardeners have a thriving space to cultivate their crops. 

Thanks to the Schwemm Family Foundation, we can continue to improve our health promotion initiatives and better serve the refugee community right here in San Diego. Together, we’re growing more than just vegetables and access to nutrition education—we’re cultivating hope and resilience.