Mothers of Preschoolers and IRC in Abilene visit the zoo!
Photo: Susanna Lubanga

When the Abilene MOPS group (Mothers of Preschoolers) heard about the work of the IRC in Abilene, they knew they wanted to get involved. They began collecting zoo passes and were able to donate 30 zoo passes to the IRC in Abilene. Several other community members donated zoo passes as well. 

At the beginning of June, IRC staff was able to take over 40 newly arrived refugees to the Abilene Zoo. Refugees were provided with water and snacks and learned about the local animal population, as well as explored animals that were more familiar to home. The field trip allowed refugees to practice English while exploring their new community. It gave staff the opportunity to interact with clients in a different venue and gain a deeper understanding of their family dynamics, strengths and passions. 

Thank you for all those willing to donate. For more information on how to donate to the IRC in Abilene or Midland, please contact [email protected]