IRC anniversary pic
Happy 90th birthday IRC

The IRC in Denver's office looked festive like never before on August 7th 2023, as eight members of the IRC's Executive Leadership Team, Hans Van de Weerd (IRC's Senior Vice President Refugee, Asylum, Integration), Tracy Reines (IRC's Vice President Delivery), Ellen Beattie (IRC's Vice President Program Excellence), Kristy Gladfelter (IRC's Vice President Research, Analysis & Learning), Hiwot Bekele (IRC's Senior Director of Finance), Gerrard Khan (IRC's Senior Director Resource Acquisition & Management) , Aitor Sanchez Lacomba (IRC's Senior Director Business Operations), and Crispian Kirk (IRC's Gender, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Director) came to visit, with the intention to learn about Denver specific latest developments and to celebrate the IRC's 90th anniversary.


After a morning tour of the newly expanded Denver office space and warehouse, the colleagues from New York were invited to several presentations detailing the IRC in Denver's most unique current development, such as the development of the IRC in Denver's Client Advisory Board, and Denver's participation in an innovative pilot project for a client facing resource guide (more information to come soon). 



After a full and inspiring morning of learning and collaborating, IRC in Denver's Executive Director Tanya Vitusagavulu announced the festive part of the day by invited all staff and guests to lunch and a special 90th anniversary cake cutting ceremony.



IRC staff then participated in several activities, including writing letters to be part of a time capsule and to be opened at the IRC's 100th anniversary, a photo booth, and enjoyed a sunny lunch with stunning views over Denver.


All that's left to say is: Happy, happy, oh happiest birthday IRC!