When Andrew Roache selected his Eagle Scout project it was with the aim of assisting others. Andrew sent out a call for donations of school supplies, backpacks, and diapers- all essential items needed by newcomers. He collected both financial and in-kind donations- and then the real work began.
After assessing what items he had on hand, Andrew determined what he would need to purchase. Shopping for supplies was not always simple. The IRC in Charlottesville has resettled over 100 school-aged children and nearly 50 children under the age of five in the past year alone. With such great need, Andrew was determined to get as many school supplies as possible. After buying out everything one store had, his mother drove him to other stores throughout multiple counties to ensure he found the necessary items.
Once the items were purchased, Andrew put together 50 backpacks full of school supplies for newly arrived school-age students. In addition to the backpacks and school supplies, Andrew donated over 650 diapers.
IRC Charlottesville is fortunate to have generous community members like Andrew. We are always in need of hygiene supplies, household products, and gift cards. If you or your organization is interested in hosting a drive, please contact Elizabeth Helmke at Elizabeth.Helmke@rescue.org for more information.